


Friday, January 31, 2014

What is the Music Venue Trust?

The Music Venue Trust was created in January 2014 to protect the UK live music network. Its immediate focus is on securing the long term future of the iconic venues which make up the "toilet circuit", venues like Southampton Joiners, Tunbridge Wells Forum, the 100 Club, Exeter Cavern, Hull Adelphi, Manchester Band on the Wall etc. These venues have played a crucial role in the development of British music over the last 40 years, nurturing local talent, providing a platform for artists to build their careers and develop their music and their performance skills. The Music Venue Trust has a clear 5 year plan to ensure those venues continue to play their vital role in supporting the British music success story. 


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The Music Venue Trust was formed in January 2014 to protect and preserve the UK small music venue circuit.